Time is precious. We simply don’t get it back. The silver lining in our “new normal” means we can look at time differently. Respect it more. Make more of it.
Rick Warren said it well…“My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action. Relationships take time and effort, and the best way to spell love is “T-I-M-E.”
Perhaps it means you’ll be more present for your loved ones. Or maybe you’ll finally get around to those projects you kept putting off because you had ‘no time’. Either way, this new found (or imposed) time is a gift. What you do with it is up to you.
The initial days of the global COVID-19 pandemic for us was filled with activating client emergency responses plans, a lot of video conference calls to observe social distancing (Zoom is our go to platform), and making tough decisions to cancel client events that many had be planning for months.
Slowly, people will start to settle in. We’ve seen so many incredible examples of leadership amongst the chaos. It is still early days and we know that businesses, of all sizes, have been hit by the sudden closures and cancellations. These next for weeks and months will be a test of resiliency. A reset if you will. An opportunity to do a deep dive into our businesses.
For the last almost five years (we turn 5 on May 6th!), our business has continued to grow organically. We are so very grateful for all of the it – the ups, the downs and the occasional shift sideways. Our clients’ needs require us to be nimble, creative, and resourceful often working with small budgets. It’s the type of challenge we thrive on and COVID-19 is no different. Now, each day, we spend a significant amount of time looking at creative ways to deliver services in a functional and practical way.
We’ve embraced this gift of time – kicking and screaming at the beginning if I’m being completely honest. We find ourselves able to focus on our business with a little less guilt. It’s always been about our clients. They come first. That will not change. We are still actively engaged in strategic planning sessions and ready to execute when the time comes.
Until then, we are excited about new possibilities and new offerings. Plans that we’re gently pushed to the side, are now front & centre stage – like moving some of our workshops to online programming and launching a podcast. The creative juices are flowing!
We all have things we want to do but often find ourselves with too few hours to accomplish everything we want. Now, you may find yourself with the capacity to spend more time on the things you want to do, not the things you have to do. How do you plan to use this gift of time? Share your ideas, we would love to hear them.
Stay healthy friends.